Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sharia Law or the Constitution? America Must Choose

William G. Boykin a retired army lieutenant general, and now a professor at Hampden-Sydney College, Virginia, goes into detail on Sharia law which is Islamic religious code and way of life, based on Quranic teachings and practices of the Prophet Mohammad.

In Boykin’s article he exaggerates many statements about Islam and indulges in fear mongering for a section of Americans who are ignorant enough to believe him. Boykin a born-again Christian, has cast the "War on Terror" in Biblical terms has made controversial statements on Islam in the past.

In the article, http://www.texasinsider.org/?p=42440 he writes that there should be a separation between church and state, and points out “nor does Islam recognize any separation of church and state.” This maybe true in some circumstances with a few religious extremist, but the majority of Muslims in America view the separation of church and state as a requirement for protection of minority religions. Boykin then makes few more arguments against Sharia Law, claiming that if Muslims follow Sharia law in the United States, terrorist activities will increase. He gives two examples of religious extremist conducting terrorist like behavior against Americans. Their actions and decisions were wrong but I don’t think Sharia had any effect on them. The reason why I chose this article to comment and elaborate on is to show our class how different view points can be misinterpreted, or over exaggerated at times. However are listening to each others arguments we are still entitled to our own opinion